Recently, (Group) Company of rationalization carried out in the first half of 2013 advanced units and suggested activities in recognition of outstanding proposals.
In the first half of this year, employees in the "improve efficiency, reduce costs, optimize the design, optimization of process" and other aspects of a lot of rationalization proposals, these reasonable suggestions for the improvement of business management, promote technological progress, improve product quality, increase business efficiency and so important.
In the first half, the company received a total of 146 rationalization proposals, of which 100 were adopted by the company. In order to increase employee participation enthusiasm rationalization proposals, the company decided to reward. After review, selected the unit first prize, second prize, third prize 5; proposal prize two, 10 second prize, third prize 75, Encouragement Award 51.
Rationalization of suggested activities is the company a long-term full sexual activity, so that employees work practice more and better made reasonable suggestions (Group) Company's development from different angles and improved measures to promote (Group) Company of the work fast to move forward.
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